3C Decisioning


    We make decisions because we're after specific outcomes. But too often, we're not clear on those outcomes before we launch into decision-making. Preferences conflict, goals are vague, and objectives are unmeasurable.

    And our fast-moving brains don't care. They just want to decide. So, we start by laying out options and weighing pros and cons, believing this is the best way to go.

    It's not.

    To minimize bias, start not with options but with a clear idea of your desired outcome or "CONCLUSION."

    Kabiri Consulting can help you do this.


    Once you know what CONCLUSION you're after, you need to understand what CONDITIONS need to be in place for that conclusion to happen.

    Think of this way: outcomes (what you want to happen) are the product of variables: various events and circumstances that exist in the world, all working together to lead to certain "conclusions." Some variables you can control. Some you can't. If you are confident about what the major variables are, you can identify which you can control. Once you know this, you can design options that will influence those variables.

    Kabiri Consulting can help you do this.


    When weighing options, our fast-moving brains push us into black-and white thinking. We think options are good or bad, that they will or won't work.

    Business (and life) is more complex than this - though our brains aren't naturally inclined to accommodate the complexities.

    To really choose the best path forward, yes-or-no thinking won't work. The best way to go is to estimate the CHANCES that each option will truly lead to the outcome you want. Because the best option is the one with the best chances of getting you where you want to go.

    Kabiri Consulting can help you think probabilistically and arrive at the best outcome.

Schedule a walk-through

Reach out to schedule a one-on-one conversation about 3C Decisioning and how it can help your business (and your career).